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Health support program


Health Support Program is not just enemy missiles that threaten us during the war. Excessive stress is sucking out life from the living.

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Як працює програма

How does the program work?

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Заповнити анкету

What medications do we provide?

All medications are prescribed by a doctor individually. Although all of us might need vitamin D to compensate for the lack of spring sun, vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, and ashwagandha for a more peaceful sleep.


Today, online consultations are conducted by lecturers and doctors who have already completed the in-service training program at GAM Academy. 

We do everything in our power and a little more. However, demand far exceeds supply. Therefore, at this crucial time for the country, we could not stay away and decided to contribute to the support of fellow citizens and the development of modern history of Ukrainian medicine, part of which you can become. Before the war, a full course in preventive medicine cost $ 900. Now it's free.

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The extreme stress in which each of us has been for almost two months, unfortunately, will have consequences.

The second wave of the humanitarian crisis is inevitable, and our task is to reduce its devastating impact on the nation's health. More information about the Health Support Program at

To win, everyone must do what they do best. 

Together, side by side. With the help of charitable foundations, business and the GAM Academy community, the Health Support Program has been created, thanks to which every Ukrainian can get a free consultation with a doctor of preventive medicine, and as a result - the necessary supplements and nutraceuticals, also free. 

Хто ми
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Who are we?

  • The Program is supported by the Charitable Foundation “Modern Ukraine”.

  • Online consultations are conducted by leading specialists of the Global Age Management Academy.

  • The Brussels questionnaire protocol is used in the world's best clinics for preventive medicine, age management, and longevity.

  • Orthomolecular medications are shipped from Western Europe and the United States.

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A total of 30 doctors are involved in the program


 +38 (073) 108 48 30 - Yuri

 With the assistance of


National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine


Charity foundation «Glory to Ukraine» 

Supported by

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Charitable Foundation
“Modern Ukraine”


Basic Support Research Institute


Global Age Management Academy


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